Created 29-Sep-22
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The GCR Autumn Steam Gala has always been an event that I look forward to all year. Due to a combination of a poor weather forecast for Friday 30th September and family commitments ruling out both Saturday and Sunday my attendance was limited to just Thursday 29th. The Thursday timetable had 9 round-trips on an even 45-minute interval service that included both visiting steam locomotives. Surely that’s enough for anyone and it eliminated the need to select what I had to miss when changing locations. The weather remained almost dry throughout and the trains all ran close to scheduled time except for the final Loughborough departure that obviously had to run late. It was a most enjoyable day and I considered the only thing I had missed out on was the J27 hauling the rake of mineral wagons; and I’ll bet that had a brake van at both ends of the train!
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