Created 10-Oct-22
0 photos

Having missed most of the GCR Gala a week before I was anxious to get out and take some photographs at the next realistic opportunity. As there was no chance for main line steam due to strike action by Trade Unions, I thought about either the Severn Valley or the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire for Saturday 8th October 2022. The weather forecasts were good for both and so I looked on the websites for their loco roster pages. The GWSR showed only 35006 for a two-steam engine timetable but the SVR eventually revealed 75069, 1501 and 40 106. I had an early appointment for my fifth Covid jab and the annual flu jab so the shorter journey time to the SVR maximised my chances of seeing the first train. It all worked out very well, it was a lovely autumn day and I was able to photograph every train I had planned to see. I am still having trouble processing my images but I shall resolve those in time. At least that’s what Val says and, of course, she is always right!
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