The decision to go out and photograph Railway Touring Companies excursion on Saturday 3rd September 2022 was not taken until early in the morning after the train had left Norwich and was actually underway. No timings were available on even late in the evening of Friday 2nd September. However, once I was convinced the train was actually running there seemed to be no reason why four shots should prove difficult to obtain and it was ‘The Duchess’ which is always worth going out to see. It turned out that we saw the train only twice for which I have to assume responsibility. In my efforts to avoid road works near Crewe I took a long diversion and then was confounded by the poor signposting associated with the A55 approaching Chester. The return departure from Chester was delayed and I was just not fast enough to be ahead when it left the wires behind and headed towards Leicester. Also it was too dark for photography by that time. The two locations were however both successful and I have to be satisfied with my results.