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Taken 16-Jan-22
Visitors 2

10 of 188 photos
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Photo Info

Dimensions720 x 960
Original file size2 MB
Image typeTIFF
Color spacesRGB
Date taken16-Jan-22 16:03
Date modified17-Jan-22 17:02
Shooting Conditions

Camera makePhase One A/S
Camera modelP21+
Exposure1/15 at f/NA
ISO speedISO 800
VA16 18DC_2000FC-B_P21+_Sonnar250

VA16 18DC_2000FC-B_P21+_Sonnar250

A quick dash across the bridge and I was in time to see the rear car of the 15:35 from Leicester North, DMCL E50266, retreating from the scene as 73156, at the head of the double header, became visible in the far distance under the A6 road bridge, GCR No.337.