Created 12-Feb-18
0 photos

What will life on the GCR be like around 2030? Perhaps 11th February 2018 provided an opportunity to gain an insight. With the normal timetable in operation on the southern section and 60163 TORNADO running test trains in the north we spent the day switching from one end to the other. Now, I'm pretty sure I shall never experience the re-unified GCR, since in 2030 I'll be 85 but the 2018 experience was excellent. First south then north, followed by south again at lunchtime but back to the north for the two o'clock from Ruddington. The return south for the 14:45 out of Loughborough was disappointing as departure coincided with a brief but nevertheless heavy snow shower. The final photographs in the north were taken in dull. windy, cloudy and cold conditions but demonstrate well the end of a successful day.
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