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Taken 16-Jan-22
Visitors 2

13 of 40 photos
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Photo Info

Dimensions1280 x 960
Original file size3.53 MB
Image typeTIFF
Color spacesRGB
Date taken16-Jan-22 15:03
Date modified17-Jan-22 16:59
Shooting Conditions

Camera makePhase One A/S
Camera modelP21+
Exposure1/15 at f/NA
ISO speedISO 800
VA16 13DC_2000FC-B_P21+_Sonnar250

VA16 13DC_2000FC-B_P21+_Sonnar250

My plans went wrong on Sunday 16th January 2022 and I just missed 60163 running south with the 14:10 from Loughborough and 55 019 returning early with the vans. I had to be content with the 3-car DMU heading south on the 15:00 from Loughborough to Leicester North. I should have had a later lunch!